Compared with other countries and markets, Switzerland has relatively few real estate leasing providers. Therefore, the recognition profile is low.
Lessors are usually bank-related leasing companies, fund providers, as well as investor-controlled real estate companies
Providers in Switzerland are:
- AF Leasing AG
- AIL Swiss-Austria Leasing AG (Raiffeisen Bankgruppe Oesterreich)
- BTV Leasing Schweiz AG
- IL Industrie-Leasing AG
Further information
- Leasing providers for real estate – Schweizer Leasingverband (SLV)
- Leasing advisors – Verband Schweizer Leasingberater (VSLB)
- Market report
- STEFAN EHWEINER, More than outside financing – real estate leasing, still unknown in Switzerland, but offering corporations advantages, which extend beyond pure financing (Mehr als eine Fremdfinanzierung – Das in der Schweiz noch eher unbekannte Immobilienleasing bietet Unternehmen Vorteile, die über die reine Finanzierung hinausgehen), in: immobilia, Fokus Immobilienleasing, November 2011, p. 4 ff.